FFRMG helps to fund short-term mobility projects for research into myeloma and/or other gammopathies in the following situations:

    • French scientist in a laboratory abroad (top priority)
    • Foreign scientist in a French laboratory
    • French scientist in a French laboratory in a town other than the candidate’s original faculty
    • Year 2 master’s (M2) student in a French laboratory located in the town of the candidate’s original faculty or elsewhere
    • Final year doctoral student in a French laboratory located in the town of the candidate’s original faculty or elsewhere

In all cases, the candidate must be younger than 40 years old. There are no restrictions on the candidate’s occupational status. FFRMG awards bridging scholarships for French scientists nearing the end of their project and/or waiting to secure a position.

Scholarships are calculated as follows:

  • Mobility scholarships in the US: 3,000 €/month plus an initial relocation allowance of 4,000 €, i.e. a total of 40,000 € in the 1st year.
  • Mobility scholarships within Europe (including France): 2,500 €/ month, i.e. a total of 30,000 € in the 1st year.
  • Year 2 master’s (M2) scholarships and bridging scholarships: 1,500 €/month.

The maximum duration of any scholarship is 18 months. Scholarships can only be renewed in exceptional cases.

Candidates must declare any scholarship applications made to other organizations. They undertake to inform the FFRMG of the outcome of their application. The FFRMG may top up a scholarship obtained from another source. The amount and duration of top-up scholarships are determined on a case-by-case basis. 

autoradiograph of a DNA sample
(performed in the 1980s)

Selection of applications

All scholarship applications are submitted to at least two members of a committee of recognized French and foreign experts. They submit their opinion to the FFRMG board, which makes the final decision on whether or not to award the scholarship.

 The FFRMG issues two calls for applications each year, and applications are examined at two FFRMG board meetings held in June and November. The deadlines for applications are therefore around March and September.

Terms and conditions

Scholarships and funding attributed by the FFRMG are allocated and managed by the Fondation de France according to the latter’s current terms and conditions.

Within 3 months after the end of the funding period, a report must be sent to the FFRMG board, including any publications and communications resulting from the project. The admissibility of any subsequent applications will be determined by this report.

All publications and communications resulting from FFRMG funding must explicitly mention the FFRMG.

Scholarship application forms can be downloaded HERE.
Send the completed application to the following address:


Current calls for scholarships:

Schedule of calls for scholarships issued by the FFRMG for 2020

Applications must be submitted by e-mail and by post to the FFRMG, at the following addresses:

  • e-mail: scholarships@ffrmg.org
  • postal address: Fondation Française de Recherche contre le Myélome et les Gammapathies, c/o Fondation de France, 40 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris

From now on, the Executive Committee will meet twice a year to review calls for scholarships.
Call’s closing date for 2020 is the following:

  • May 04, 2020 at midnight

For any further information, write to: contact@ffrmg.org

Partial view of a plasma cell
by electron microscopy